Saturday, 8 November 2008

It turns out...

...that I'm allergic to red wine. Not white. Red.

My favourite colour.

And chocolate too. Really.

What, I am asking myself, is left in life?


Anonymous said...

I don't like wine, but if someone told me I was allergic to chocolate, I may just lose the will to live! ;)

Sam Hayes said...

It's very hard, Michelle. I foresee a novel with a wine/chocolate theme to compensate. S. x

no said...

Allergic to wine AND chocolate??? Still, not sex or beer, right? So there are two reasons to go on, right?

Sam Hayes said...

Ha ha, yes, you're right. I will look on the bright side. Not keen on beer though :-)

DJ Kirkby said...

Nooooo really? Arrrgh. Ok, ok, look it could be least you can still drink white wine right? Oh and Artisan bars do a wonderful white chocolate (which contains no cocoa) and cinnamon bar. There is still hope...

Mel said...

Could be worse - I am allergic to alcohol. I kid you not. Legs go funny. (And no that's not after one too many!). I get muscle spasms after about 2 sips. Bummer!

Sam Hayes said...

Ooh, I like white chocolate. Thanks for the tip, DJ. And yes, white wine thankfully seems to be OK.

Gosh, Mel, that sounds freaky. You must feel so smug on New Year's Day when everyone else has a hangover!

S xx

Unknown said...

Sorry if this sounds a little mercenary, Sam, but if you can no longer make use of the chocolate...

And I'm sure Aliya is thinking the same about the red wine.

Chris said...

Muscle spasms? I get that if I don't drink any alcohol... to quote Father Jack, "DRINK!"

I don't have a drink problem - I'm Irish: we drink, we fall down, where's the problem in that? ;-)

Anyway, you have my commisserations Sam - allergic to chocolate too? What will your husband get for your anniversary now... or to say sorry?

Sam Hayes said...

Ha ha, Neil, ten crates of Galaxy on its way to you and Aliya. A writer's fuel, eh? So now what do I do? I can't drink white wine all day long. Can I?

Hey Chris, I saw that on a T shirt once. Funny. It is a bit of a lifestyle dent, but hey... I'm discovering some decent white wines. And hubby would have to do a lot better than wine or chocs!! Hope you're well x