Today is publication day! It's official. BLOOD TIES is now released in hardback.
So much has happened since last summer that it's impossible to detail everything in one post. Instead, it's my intention to drip feed useful information over time for readers and writers alike, hopefully satisfying everyone's interest in my work.
Today, however, sees me taking time out from my study (which needs a good clear out!) and I'm off to London to have lunch with my lovely editor and publicity lady. I'll also be signing lots of books and returning home feeling that BLOOD TIES is finally out there, in readers' hands, sparking interest, comment, emotion, and enjoyment. I loved every minute of writing it - however hard it seemed at times - and I hope that my readers will feel as much satisfaction as I did producing it.
September sees the launch of the paperback of BLOOD TIES in the UK - altogether a much bigger deal publicity wise - but meantime, the trade paperback hits Aussie shelves downunder in June and I've already been receiving requests for Sunday newspaper interviews from Sydney. The German translation is well underway, I believe, and will be released early next year, while contracts have now been signed for the Russian publication rights. I can't wait to see how that will look!
It's been a busy few months, and not only busy for me. The team at Headline, both here and in Australia, have been toiling away to make sure that my book is turned out in its best possible form. Not only are they dedicated to their products and authors, they are the nicest bunch to work with!
Looking ahead, my second novel...title to be revealed soon...is cooking nicely. I thought that the process of writing book number two might be overshadowed by doubt, pressure, having to live up to the first etc - but luckily, I don't feel that way at all. Yet! What I can say is that it's steeped in the same heartfelt emotion that drives BLOOD TIES, wrapped around a plot that's spinning me in circles writing it, and has an unforgettable ending.
So, now it's the Easter school holidays, I'm scratching around for writing time, juggling work with 3 kids, wondering where my husband has gone (he travels a lot!) and standing staring, mouth agape, at my garden as spring takes hold. I swear I hear those weeds laughing at me. But time-deficiency aside, it's a wonderful season outside. One of my favourite. I'm a passionate vegetable grower - a bit of a novice, I admit - but the thrill of sowing, growing, harvesting and eating is topped only by holding a copy of BLOOD TIES for the first time. Oh, and my kids when they were born. Except neither of those tastes half as good as a freshly picked basket of leeks or runner beans.
But before I can do much more in the polytunnel (yes, I'm that serious) we have family from Australia coming to stay over Easter. This is a greatly anticipated visit, especially as it's been far too many years since we have seen them. But once we have shown them the sights of the Midlands (that should take care of half a day, at least), warmed the cockles of their chilled Australian hearts with a pint or two of something very British, fed them up on a traditional Sunday roast and waved them off on the rest of their European tour, a normal writing schedule will resume. It's a little like having children, writing books. I'm sending one off into the wide world, most thankful to have another in the pipeline.
So thanks for stopping by. I promise that my posts here will become more frequent and hopefully prove useful and informative to readers, book groups, libraries and aspiring writers. I have so many ideas for this blog and my website at www.samhayes.co.uk. I'm sure they will both grow over the coming months into useful resources. My next project is to put up a page stuffed full of information for book groups - lots of discussion points and thought provoking ideas.
Until then, raise a glass...of tea, coffee, orange juice, pink champagne...(thanks to my lovely editor!), as BLOOD TIES finally leaves home.
Sam xx